Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Busy Busy Busy

Hey gang, another update.

I've been so busy as of late and it's getting busier. I love it!
Gun Control for Polar Bears is getting around more from some word of mouth and I couldn't be happier. I'm honestly thrilled Supposed Crimes decided to take a chance and back such an odd little book. I'll do another poetry book someday but for right now I have plenty of other projects on my plate.

The latest that I've been working on for the most part is the previously mentioned anthology with my co-writer/wife A.D. Simms. As my close friends know it's been a bit of a hard write for me. There's been some things about the book nagging at me. I finally made the changes necessary for me to move on with the book. It has a title but I will wait to reveal it until closer to time. Sometimes when you're creating something your gut will tell you something is off, even if it doesn't seem so to anyone else. Always trust your gut instinct. After making these changes my head is back in gear for this book and it's turning out great. It's genre mashup/defying with stories within stories.

I've continued the editing on my solo horror anthology. It's been finished for some time now; it just needs editing and fleshing out. Like all of them, I'm very excited about it. While the book with A.D. Simms is crazy and horror-related, this one is, for the most part, straight forward horror. I can tell you it's brutal and dark.

I've also plenty to get self published and I've been heavily thinking of putting out my play first. I've been hoping to get a reading together for awhile now but I've been so caught up in this world that I haven't had the time. But I'm proud of it and would like to get it out there. Hopefully someday I can get some readings and even some performances of it.

Along with all this, I'm still pushing forward on the rewrites for my first sci-fi book for Supposed Crimes. When writing it, every time I had a thought on how it should go I threw it to the side thinking it wouldn't be wanted. All of those 'gut instinct ideas' brushed aside. When I sent the first draft to my publisher, she sent me back notes and suggestions - No lie, 99% of them were the very same thing that I had thrown to the side. Again, always trust your gut and it helps if you and your publisher are in sync.

There's so much more I want to tell you all about but I can't. All I can say is it's a very busy year for me and I hope you all are ready for some different stuff to come your way.

Have a good day

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