Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Gun Control for Polar Bears - Out Now!

Gun Control for Polar Bears
The title: I used to do it more than I do it now but I would come up with abstract titles that didn't really mean anything and keep them simply because I liked them. "Gun Control for Polar Bears" was one of these titles that I liked but didn't know what to do with but I kept it anyway. I figured I'd use it eventually. I've joked about the irony that this book is published Now in a time when Gun Control is such a hot button issue in our country; when, in reality the title is really old.
The poems: I used to write lyrics all the time and, being used to that, the poetry I'd write would also be similar with rhyme schemes and all. Years ago I started getting these odd little phrasings or these strange non-rhyming poems that were broken up into this odd pattern because that's how I was hearing them in my head. I kept writing them in these little notebooks and they all kind of took on this weird broken pattern for the most part. They're not about anyone in particular, mind you, just all made up like one would any other story. When I would be writing these, for the longest time I didn't have the notion to put them in a book; I was just writing these things that were popping up in my head. When the time had come when I was like, "I think I should put all these together" I didn't have a title but that's when I remembered Gun Control for Polar Bears, the title well older the works inside, and decided it was perfect for these.
They sat on my computer for the longest time, fully collected under their new (old) title, still unsent. Amidst trying to get my screenplay in the hands of an agent and trying to figure out what to do with some of my other work, my wife, Anchanie, said "When are you going to do something with your poetry?" In a lazy nonchalant tone I replied, "Eh, I got a book on the computer, I just haven't done anything with it." She said, "Well do SOMETHING with it." So I had sent it around and, of course, was met with loads of rejections; some would say no but still ask about the title as it interested them. I'm used to rejection so it all came as no surprise. But when I got an email back from Supposed Crimes I was a little weary as, in this journey of mine, I've had less than pleasurable dealings with publishers. The owner, Christy Case, and I wrote back and forth and we really hit it off. I felt like it was the right move at the right time to go with them and I've been happy with the decision.
The book's poems are comprised of abstract pieces, mini stories, motivational bits, social issues, and more. They aren't titled, but numbered. My dad's complained to me several times about the lack of titles (lol) and there was another guy who'd had the same complaint but then claimed he understood why I did it (as if it were an artistic choice). Truth is it was different things. There were no titles when I was writing them down in the little notebooks and I didn't feel titles would do some of them justice, along with their varying lengths. It was more of an executive decision to just number them.
It's odd to me the shift that poetry has had in the literary world. Poetry used to be more important and now it seems to be more of a niche thing. Most writers these days get their novel or what have you published and then end up self-publishing their poetry book; I ended up doing it a bit backwards.
So that's the story of this little book which has ended up starting my career. I've been hard at work on the next things to come, as there are plenty. Thank you all for your support and thank you to all of you who truly understand what this is; which is not just a little poetry book but a beginning, a start to something much more.

Gun Control for Polar Bears can be found online in e-book and paperback at just about anywhere books are sold, i.e. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc etc

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