Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Hard times

I haven't posted anything about it on social media because more and more I don't like to post personal things as any more I mainly want to use it for work, but my father is in the ICU at the VA. I'm not going to go into all the details but I'll say he's got heart issues and things got scary (understatement of the year). He went in on the first and he coded during a CAT scan. They worked and worked and he's now off of his tubes and he's doing better. It was heartbreaking to see him in that situation. Luckily, my older sister was there throughout and keeping us all updated. My aunt was also there as well as my little sister. My wife and I went to see him on the first. It was nerve-wracking and still is. He's doing well but there's still much to discuss. A situation like this puts things into perspective. My second poetry book came out on the first. Of course, who cares, dad's in a bad way in the hospital and it was looking grim. For a week now I'd been waiting on my shipment of personal copies of my first novel. It came on Monday. I should've been excited, but I couldn't. These things are so insignificant in the grand scheme of things. We're praying for him that he makes a FULL recovery. I want him to be good and well, not just 'making it'. He's a man with a lot of problems and more than anything I just want him to find peace. I'm so thankful that our family has been there for him and keeping us posted and I hope the future is brighter than the present.


  1. Last night on the drive home my brain finally let go and I cried for about an hour straight. He drives us crazy and we want to wring his neck but he's dad. I am so proud of you for chasing your dreams. You have so much talent and I am glad more people will get to see that! Excited to read the new work!

    1. I broke down on the way home after seeing him. It's all very nerve wracking. The fact that he doesn't see it boggles my mind even more and drives me up the wall. But like you said, he's dad. HE just needs to see that he's dad.

      I thank you and I hope you like the new stuff.
