Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Finished, This Journey is Almost Complete

I woke up Monday morning at 7:30 and not long after I got to work in the hopes to finish Last Rites of the Capacitance.  I dug deep and worked hard, going over it and over it and over it until I felt it was ready.  I didn't walk away from the writing until I was finished shortly before noon.  After a large exhale was released, I sent it to my publisher.

Whenever I finish a project I get hit with 2 feelings:
1, I'm proud, delighted, and happy to complete it.
2: I'm completely at a loss as to what to do with myself for awhile afterwards.

I end up so wrapped up in something and on such a schedule that when it all comes to a halt, even if I have something up next, I'm briefly stunned.  Usually when I work, I'm multitasking between several projects.  It's always helped me; however, for whatever subconscious reason, once I hit a certain point into the book, I shut everything else out and focused on it - giving it everything I had.  I actually started writing this post Monday night but I've just been busy with life.  I've actually decided to take a week off from writing.  I say that every time I finish something and feel spent afterwards and I start working again a day or so later, but I can actually say I think I'm going to enjoy the week and recharge my batteries and then get back to work on my long to-do list.

This year's gone by quick thus far and I haven't gotten as much done or out as planned, but that's life - never enough time.  The things I have gotten done are definitely setting me up for a better tomorrow.  This being my first novel, I've learned a lot in the process and look forward to growing more with the next books.  The original draft of Last Rites of the Capacitance was started in October 2015 and by the time it's released it'll be about a year or more.  I'll get my notes back and make any additional changes needed.  Then we'll figure out the cover and release date.  As I found out with Gun Control for Polar Bears, there's a lot more that goes into this all than people think.  It's not a situation of write, publish, release; it's a lot of writing, rewriting, editing, getting the cover right, finding the release date, another look over for any additional edits, about the author, dedication and acknowledgments, etc.  The post work is a process just the like writing is a process.

My second science fiction book is aleady outlined and if I start on it this year I probably won't do so until October.  I'm toying with adapting some of my lengthy horror stories/novellas into full lengths.  In between the original manuscript and the more finished version of this book, I had completed 2 anthologies among other projects so it's been a busy year.  I still hope to get my play out as well as the Tourniquet serials.

There's a lot of interesting stuff on the way.  I hope you stay tuned.

Have a great day all.  I'm going to go back to enjoying my little vacation.

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