Friday, March 23, 2018


I'm currently prepping the release of a few books and writing more.

I was recently thinking about writing books where the content changes according to the format. Such as a paperback copy having a different ending or twist than the ebook. It's just a thought, and maybe I'll do it someday. With Doomsday Think Tank the two formats vary only in that in the original text written each character and their dialogue were completely color coded - Black, Blue, Red, and Green. When I went to do the paperback, because of the coloring, it was just getting too expensive. I wanted it to be affordable and available for everyone. With the color ink on the pages it would have priced the book at well over $12-$15. I instead went for black and white (or cream as is the case) and got the price down to an even $7. For the ebook I kept the color coding, allowing me to have both versions out there. It doesn't really change anything, it's just a way of having my cake and eating it too. The content is the same. Of course being a little play book I'd recommend the paperback but of course having both would be great.

And right now - today until the 26th, the Kindle edition of Doomsday Think Tank is free. I hope you read it.

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