Sunday, March 11, 2018

Just a quick update

The wife and I are on our way to church and I figured I'd drop a quick update.

I'm thinking about doing a limited promotion of Doomsday Think Tank with a free ebook. Though I hope it serves as more of a preview before getting the paperback. I guess I'm weird when it comes to plays and I like the physical copy. I went through hoops to keep the price down to $7. I'm planning on getting readings together with hopes that some of you will do the same.

I'm also heavily thinking about compiling works from this blog into a book. Short stories, scripts, and more. I figured not everybody sees the blog and, if they do, they don't go through it all but whatever post they happen to find. I'll probably start the selection process later on into the week.

I'm still working on a few things for Supposed Crimes. I should have an opening in time soon to jump on them all.

I'm slowly editing the novel I wrote last summer, as well as working on some others. Dennis and I are retooling Tourniquet and it's really exciting. The two of us also have other projects we're kicking around.

Since my first publication in February 2016 with Gun Control for Polar Bears , from Supposed Crimes, I've had 5 more books released (2 more from Supposed Crimes and 3 self-published). As hectic as all that might sound, I don't think I've ever been as busy as I am write now. There's so much work to do. I've done more than I thought I would do and there's still more coming. I'm constantly learning and evolving, and, even though I'm unknown momentarily, keep paying attention and you will know my name.

So pick up your copy of Doomsday Think Tank and join the conversation.

Also, be sure to check out Galaxy Zento on blogspot, twitter, and Facebook. NoTE: I'm not involved with GZ at all, I just happen to be a fan and a believer in the franchise.


  1. Thanks for the shoutout to GZ! Select carefully when putting blog articles into a book. It can work but you have to be picky and may have to edit.

    1. I completely agree! Some will have to undergo a hard sit. I'll be very selective.
