Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Project Update

Well gang I'm back to playing the octopus, working on several things at once.  More often than not I feel more comfortable working like this.  There is so much to do this year in the hopes to get my name and work out there.

Currently I'm working on finishing up a horror anthology with my wife and co-writer A.D. Simms.  It's got a real oddball Twilight Zone feel to it.  It's coming along and should be finished soon.  As those close to me know it's been a bit of a hard write for me but I'm proud of the stories.  It's very different and very creative.  At one point we weren't sure whether or not to really call this a horror book but I had pointed out that I think it IS a horror book but for people who don't normally get into the genre.

The other is a horror anthology I'm writing solo.  These stories are actually from horror movie scripts I had written that I felt weren't working out in that medium.  I stripped the screenplay formatting down and slightly fleshed out the stories a bit more.  Unlike the anthology I'm co-writing, this book is quite brutal and violent.  It's much darker overall and instead of playing with your head like the stories in the other book, these go right for the throat.  Since these stories are directly from film scripts, reading them is like watching a horror film in many ways.

I'm excited to get both of these books out.  Two different sets of different kinds of horror!

Very soon I will be getting back to my sci-fi book.  I'm very excited about this.  As a creator, I'm excited about all of them, but sometimes you'll find some more intriguing than others. 

I had been kicking around another sci-fi idea of mine and I emailed my publisher the rough outline/basis of it kind of to test the waters and see what she thought.  To my joy, she loved it!  So I will be getting to that one sometime down the road.  I've always loved science fiction but have rarely written it.  Lately, however, sci-fi ideas have been pouring out of me.

I'm VERY excited to mention two projects I have starting THIS MONTH! ...However, sadly, I can't tell you what they are.  But I will say I'm co-writing TWO different projects, each with a dear close friend.  THEY couldn't be more pumped and *I* can't be more pumped!  It's an exciting time to have friends like mine.  These works are going to be amazing.  Both projects are in two different mediums and whenever I've spoken with my friends/co-writers on them, they have SO MANY great ideas.  I can't be more excited.  Right now on both stories we're in the research and mapping out stage while I continue to finish the pair of horror books. 

It's an odd time right now.  Things never look quite as busy as they are.  All people really know of my work is my poetry book that's out or if they're my friends they know that I have a lot of ideas but there is A LOT of work going on at the moment and I cannot wait for everyone to get to see it all.

Gun Control for Polar Bears is still available.  I hope you all get a copy, of course.

Mine and Dennis Magnant's comic book Tourniquet is slow-moving but it's getting there.  Unfortunately Dennis has been having some health issues regarding his shoulder which is preventing him from doing a lot of drawing right now.  I'm not worried about the book; it's coming.  But I'm very worried about my friend not being able to enjoy his life to the fullest due to these issues.  He's such a good dude and he can't really do the things that he enjoys because of his shoulder and it's terribly sad.  He's brought it up to me a couple of times about writing Tourniquet as a book and while he takes a hiatus to heal it'd probably be a good time to do so.  I'll probably base it off of the original comic script I had written and sent to him so it'll slightly different than the finished comic book; which I think will be kind of fun for readers.

There are so many projects to be done.  These are really just the projects I can kind of tell you about at the moment.  I'm wanting to self publish my play and put some of my artwork on Etsy but right now I'm trying to get through these books. 

I hope you all stick with me on this journey.
Thank you.

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