Friday, May 20, 2016

Do it for you

I wanted to post one more time before I got back to work (while watching Aliens no less, haven't watched it in some time). 

I had mentioned before about wanting to make a silent film when I was asked "Why?  Why would you want to do that?  Who cares?"

The same thing applies across the art board.  I come up with stuff all the time; most I haven't gotten to yet such as photography projects and more.  One of the things I hate is when I come up with something and say "I want to do THIS" and someone says "Why?  Who cares?  What's the point?  Who is it geared towards?  What's your market?  What age group is this for?  This won't make money, why would you do it?"  - I've heard all of these.

Now, I understand that, let's say, Backers of a project would want to know these things but when you're talking to random people and you tell them some kind of oddball thing you want to put together and they ask those, it's a bit irritating.  I've submitted stories and gone by guidelines but I've always written them the way I wanted and about what I wanted.  Not because I thought it would be a seller but because that's the way I saw it.  I can't think of any idea of mine that I've thought of because there's a market for it or it could fill my pockets.  I write stuff because I have an idea of something I'd like to see or read.


Why?  Because that's what I want to do.  It's an idea that's nagging at me and nobody else is going to do it the way I want to do it.

Who cares?  Me, the person doing the work regardless.  People want to question why you want to do something but no matter what your intentions, they're not doing the work, you are.

What's the point?  To see it done.  To do it.  To mark it off the long list that's in my head.  Writers and artists of all kinds have a bucket list of sorts in their heads and it continues to grow.  It may not be the normal "Skydiving, bullriding, etc etc" Bucket list, but it's there.

Who is it geared towards?  ME and people LIKE me.  You'll constantly hear people say "Nobody will like this" and "Yeah, YOU like it and that's it".  Believe me, if you like it you can bet your bottom dollar that someone else will as well.

What's your market?  Those who want it, will find it.  I can't tell you how many times I've gone on searches for works that I was looking for in a "I'm looking for something like this" type of search.

What age group is this for?  If they can read and like this kind of stuff, then everyone.  I know that's one of the keys of marketing but I'll be honest, I hate that.  If a little kid or an elderly person (and all in between) is even slightly interested in something then it should be for them and their age group.

This won't make money, why would you do it?  See all of the above.  If I based my projects all on money, I wouldn't be working on any of it.  Most of my stuff is "too weird" or "too different".  I've always been told that.  "Eh, it's too weird to go anywhere."  That doesn't change my mind on wanting to do it.  As I've said in the past: you do it, it exists regardless.  I want my art, no matter what medium, to exist.  I am a broke ass struggling writer and, while some would argue that I should start trying to go for more things that would get me money, I love what I do and I'm excited that the world will finally be seeing it. --  I recently was on Facebook and asked an artist friend of mine when she would release a book of her prints as I can't afford an actual piece and her and I live in different countries so I can't go to a gallery/exhibit.  She misunderstood me completely saying something to that of "Why, because YOU got a book out?"  I eventually explained it to her.  But it's funny that she took it as me bragging about my little poetry book.  I am proud of it but if she only knew how little I'm making from it.  It's not like the book made me famous or rich, but it got something off my bucket list and got my foot in the door.  The only people to buy it are best friends and family to show their support.  I knew from the jump that I wouldn't be making much, if anything, at all from the book but it didn't matter to me; Gun Control for Polar Bears exists.

Poetry Side note:  The world used to care much more about poetry; it used to be a bigger piece in the literary puzzle.  These days it's more of a niche thing; often a specialty or 'novelty' item.  When my book didn't sell well, I won't lie, I was bummed but then thought about all of that and came to terms with it. 

I've talked on here before about a lot of comic book artists I've seen who talk more about money than art; more about royalties than growth or process.  To me their love lies more with money than art and they just happen to be using something their good at to get it.  There's people like that all over the place; they're good at it and work it but they don't Love it like others may.  While some people start something in hopes of getting rich, famous, or what have you, just remember how powerful each word in "*I* *WANT* *TO* *DO* *THIS*" can be.  You want something bad enough and it becomes something you Have to do.  There are worse things to be addicted to than creating.  You're not saying "I want money", you're saying "I want to do This".  Not everyone wants the same thing, some want the money and don't care about This, but you do; it's yours.

So with all my rambling, I'm just saying "Do it for you."  I understand if you're taking a job, hired on for something, helping someone out, or any of their variants, but if you're coming up with something that you're interested in, just keep in mind that YOU'RE interested in it and that's why you start it in the first place.  Do it for YOU and whatever comes will come.  I'm going to keep doing the same and I hope to check out all of your stuff someday as well.  I want to see your passion projects and labors of love just as I want you to see mine. 

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