Thursday, May 19, 2016

On the hunt

I finished reading the co-written weird ass anthology last night.  We'll be doing the final edit soon.  Hopefully we can come together on what it needs.  While I love most of it, there are still some things I'm not too thrilled with, yet those are the things she loves, so you can see the issue.  There are a few stories within that I could see taking out and fleshing out into their own thing but that won't happen, sadly.

I'm back to working on the sci-fi book which I'm ecstatic about.  The rewriting and reformatting of the book is taking time and is getting headache-inducing; in a good way, not a "OMG why isn't this done yet" kinda way.  You guys know what I'm talking about.

Amidst those things I'm currently on the hunt for a publisher who will take my horror anthology "Sharp Items & Bad Intentions".  Some writers probably love this process; I, for one, hate it with a passion.  It's not the rejections that are bothersome but the time it takes to contact them all and send the work out.  When the poetry book was published, I had this understanding at first that it would mainly be an e-book.  I was okay with that but was thrilled when I got my physical copies in the mail and the bulk of which sold were actually paperback, much to mine and my publisher's surprise.  The bulk of the horror publishers I'm finding do e-book only.  I love e-books but I think seeing my first book in paperback has me regressing a bit.  So it looks like when this book comes out, it will more than likely be electronically only, depending on who takes it of course.

A lot of things on the way.

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