Monday, May 16, 2016

Justice Roll - a comic book script

I thought of this within minutes of thinking of Two-Fisted Youngins (if you haven't read it, it's a few posts back, help yourself).  I was standing outside of a sushi restaurant when I jokingly thought to myself "You know, there's really no sushi based superhero..."  And fusing my love for sushi and superheroes I came up with Justice Roll.  It's an about-face to Two-Fisted Youngins, a drama about two brothers in the south.  I write a lot of different things and I'd wanted to write a cheesy superhero book; something that was just FUN.  In a world in which even the lightest of heroes are getting dark and gritty updates and changes, I think it's good to have some Justice Roll out there. 

*Just like Two-Fisted Youngins, this book currently has no artist.  The plan was that if this one shot was to be picked up, the next issue would actually go back to the beginning and build a series from the hero's point of view.  So, here's Justice Roll; a comic book script.  I hope you enjoy.

Justice Roll
By Christopher Michael Carter

Page 1
Full page – The outside of a sushi place. Signs and posters around. One has Justice Roll holding up sushi and smiling. Justice Roll is buff in a yellow and red spandex suit and cape. He’s got short black hair and a big picture of a sushi roll on his chest. One poster states “I’LL have the Justice Roll.”

Page 2
Panel 1: 2 pairs of hands holding menus.
      Mom: What are you gonna get, honey?
      Dad: I just don’t know.
Panel 2: The son across the table noticing the front of his parents’ menus.
Panel 3: The menus with Justice Roll on the front “Home of the Justice Roll”.
Panel 4: The kid getting excited.
      Kid: WOW! The Justice Roll eats here!?
      Dad: That’s right, buddy.

Page 3
Panel 1: Justice flying in the sky punching a dragon.
      Kid: The one we see on TV fighting monsters?
      Parents: That’s the one.
Panel 2: Justice fighting an old school looking crook (striped shirt, domino mask) with money bags in hand.
      Kid: And the one who stops robbers?
      Parents: Same guy.

Page 4
Panel 1: Closer to us in view, a guy with a mustache and sunglasses smirking. In the background is the boy and his parents.
      Kid: No way!
      Parents: Yep.
Panel 2: Closer pic of the smiling guy.
      Kid: Awesome.
Panel 3: A waiter standing at the table.
      Waiter: What’ll it be, folks?
      Parents: Oh, hrm, not sure if I want the tuna roll or the…
Panel 4: Seen from the window two thugs picking on a hobo.
Panel 5: The kid looking out the window kinda bummed/frustrated.
      Kid: C’mon, where is he?

Page 5
Panel 1: The parents handing the menus to the waiter.
      Dad: That sound good to you, son?
Panel 2: The kid staring out the window still.
      Parents: Son?
Panel 3: Kid’s attention back on the parents.
      Kid: Oh, yeah. Sounds good.
Panel 4: The mom’s hand with her finger pointing down on the table.
      Mom: You know that Justice Roll’s story started right here in this very restaurant.
Panel 5: The kid looking excited again.
      Kid: Really? Is that why they have his pictures all over?
Panel 6: Overview of everyone in the shop (low to no detail).
      Mom: That’s right. He even eats here but he’s always in disguise and nobody ever notices.

Page 6
Panel 1: Close up of a blazing asteroid.
      Mom: Legend has it there was a comet hurling towards Earth…
Panel 2: Earth on the left and the comet on the right.
      Mom: As it was getting closer to our planet it was getting smaller and smaller…
Panel 3: The comet blazing with pieces breaking off and burning off.
      Mom: What was once the size of asteroid that would kill us quickly burned down to the size of a…
Panel 4: Someone playing golf as the comet’s seen above.
      Mom: …Golfball.
      Golfer: Anybody else see that!?

Page 7
Panel 1: The tiny comet soaring through the sky.
Panel 2: It lands in the ocean.
      SFX: BLOOP
Panel 3: A fish swimming around.
Panel 4: The same fish gets clocked in the head with the meteor.
Panel 5: The fish is now glowing, his eyes have changed and he’s slightly muscular.
Panel 6: A fisherman’s net catching him. He looks shocked.
Panel 7: A couple of guys on a boat pulling in net after net full of fish.
      Fisherman: Eh, not a bad amount for today.

Page 8
Panel 1: The pile of fish on the boat and something glowing inside.
Panel 2: An Asian man standing with a clipboard in hand while guys unload a shipment of fish from a truck.
      Delivery guy: Here’s your order, Mr. Yin.
      Mr. Yin: Ah, looks good guys.
Panel 3: Fish on a cutting board, we also see hands and a knife.
Panel 4: From the cutting board view looking up at the two chefs with knives chopping. One’s looking at the other while cutting.
      Chef 1, turned: …Yeah, so that’s when I told her…
      Chef 2: Hey, watch what you’re doing!
Panel 5: The glowing fish on the board.
      Chef 2: Hey, man, your fish is glowing!
      Chef 1: Glowing? You’re smokin’ somethin’.

Page 9
Panel 1: Hands rolling sushi, with that fish.
      Chef: Oh, well.
Panel 2: A group of young guys hanging out talking.
      Mom: And there he was with a group of friends to have that fateful lunch.
Panel 3: A younger pre-Justice Roll drinking his soda; not muscular, a normal guy.
      Mom: Some believe it was meant to be.
Panel 4: The waiter bringing out sushi to the table.
      Waiter: Alright, boys, here ya go.
      Guys: Awesome. I’m starving.
      Young guy (our soon-to-be hero): Man, that looks good.
Panel 5: A hand grabbing a glowing roll.
      Young guy : Hrm. This one must be new.
Panel 6: The guy eating the sushi.

Page 10
Panel 1: His eyes bugged.
Panel 2: Him coughing hard.
      Friend: Dude, you alright?
Panel 3: His body tensing up, his head turned up with his mouth open with bright light coming from it.
      Friend: Good God!
Panel 4: He falls over – behind the table, out of sight. 
      Friend: Hey, can we get some help over here!?

Page 11
Panel 1: His glowing eyes.
Panel 2: His friends shielding themselves from the bright light.
Panel 3: Justice Roll emerging from beneath the table in full costume and big muscles.
Panel 4: His friends looking shocked.
      Friend 1: Whoa.
      Friend 2: …Yeah.

Page 12
Panel 1: Full page shot of Justice flying just above the floor.
      Justice Roll: Hi, guys.

Page 13
Panel 1: The mom and dad sitting next to each other in the booth. The dad’s reading the paper.
      Mom: And, of course, the rest is history.
      Dad: History.
Panel 2: The kid in awe of this story.
      Mom: Ever since then people have poured in here looking for the sushi that was gonna make them strong and powerful.
Panel 3: The mom and kid in profile across from each other.
      Kid: You think I might get one?
      Mom: Y’know… You just might.
Panel 4: The two thugs from earlier. One’s spray painting on a wall while the other’s breaking a random window.
Panel 5: The kid sees them out the window.
      Kid: How… How does he know when to get the bad guys?
      Mom: I guess he just knows.

Page 14
Panel 1: Random customers looking to the left of page.
      TV: We have breaking news coming to us now…
Panel 2: The boy and his parents looking over as well.
      TV: …Warning, all citizens to be aware and on the lookout.
Panel 3: The TV showing the two thugs the kid’s been seeing out the window.
      TV: …After the dangerous duo known as the Party Crashers have escaped from prison.
Panel 4: The kid, wide-eyed, pointing out the window.
      Kid: Uh…
      TV: These men are indeed dangerous so please-
Panel 5: The TV with a knife in the screen.

Page 15
Panel 1: People in the restaurant looking shocked.
      Rexo: Time to crash your party!
Panel 2: The two thugs entering the door; The Party Crashers, Thonk & Rexo.
      Thonk: Where’s Justice?
Panel 3: An incognito hero smirking, the man with the mustache and sunglasses.
Panel 4:  Rexo holding up a larger knife.
      Rexo: I’m gonna count to three!
Panel 5:  Thonk grabbing a woman by her pony tail.
      Thonk: One!
      Woman: AH!

Page 16
Panel 1:  Rexo holding his knife as it’s twinkling.
      Rexo: Two…
Panel 2: The little boy looking up bright eyed and smiling.
Panel 3: Justice Roll floating.
      Justice Roll: Right here boys!
Panel 4: His hands grabbing both guys by their shirts.
      Justice Roll: Y’know these nice people are trying to enjoy themselves.
Panel 5: From outside – the two guys being hurled out.
      Party Crashers: AHH!
      Justice Roll: So let’s take this outside.

Page 17
Panel 1: Justice in the doorway.
      Justice Roll: It’s alright, folks, enjoy your meal.
Panel 2: The kid smiling.
Panel 3: Justice smiling and giving the thumbs up.
Panel 4: The two guys, one with a knife, the other with a chain.
Panel 5:  Rexo stabs at him while the knife breaks.
Panel 6: Justice karate chops him.
      Rexo: UGH!

Page 18
Panel 1: Thonk swings his chain at Justice Roll but he’s punching through the chain busting all the links.
Panel 2: Justice holding both of them by chopsticks by the back of their shirts.
      Justice Roll: Guys, how often do we have to do this?
Panel 3: The two guys flying into the dumpster.

Page 19
Panel 1: The kid tugging on Justice’s cape.
      Kid: Mr. Justice Roll?
Panel 2: From his view – the boy, looking up at him.
      Kid: Good job.
Panel 3: Justice smiling.
      Justice Roll: Thanks, kid.
Panel 4: Justice Roll kneeling down to talk to the kid.
      Justice Roll: You know, you were really brave in there.
      Kid: Yeah?
      Justice: Yeah.
Panel 5: Justice’s hand putting the chopsticks in the kid’s hands.
Panel 6: The kid starry-eyed looking at them.

Page 20
Panel 1: Outside the front of the sushi place. The little boy standing there looking up.
Panel 2: Justice Roll flying through the sky.
      Caption: The end.

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