Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Up to the Date

I've been on here a lot more as of late; I get different things on my mind about art & writing as well as the fact that I have so much stuff written that's not really going anywhere else at the moment so I put it on here.  This, on the other hand, is just an overall update.
I'm currently diving into Last Rites of the Capacitance.  As I've mentioned on here before, it's my first sci-fi book and the rewrites are a tad bit more extensive than originally thought.  I'm excited about them though.  The newer draft is already turning out to be richer and I'm not much into it.  I think I should have it done by July.  Since turning in the first/rough draft in January (I believe it was) I've come up with more sci-fi I hope to write for Supposed Crimes.  Of course, I'm sure that'll all be depending on this one. 

The horror anthology Sharp Items & Bad Intentions is currently with my publisher and I'm hoping & praying that they take it.  I think it could do very well for both Supposed Crimes & myself.  It's 5 horror stories transferred from 5 screenplays I'd written (4 full length and 1 short).  It's a pretty direct transfer from script to story so there wasn't much "rewritten".  Again, I hope Christy Case & Supposed Crimes [Christy, if you read this, that should be your band name lol] accepts it; I like the budding working relationship we have going. 

At the same time as that book I'd been co-writing another horror anthology with my wife.  We have a title but we haven't announced it yet.  It's completed.  She's done an editing pass through it.  I'm currently taking my time reading through it.  And then we'll go through it together to get the edit we want.  You'll find when co-writing the art of the push and pull of compromise.  We both see the book and its stories differently and will need to come to an agreement on the final edit, after which we'll decide what publishing route we want to go in.

Tourniquet news: The long gestating comic book from Dennis Magnant and myself is still trucking along.  We had hoped to get a certain number of copies printed off for sale and pitch; HOWEVER, sometimes things don't work out the way you want.  My father always told me "Life is what happens when you're planning for the future."  Such is the case with Tourniquet; while we were planning and seeing our destination we've been met with roadblocks and speedbumps.  Cutting to the chase, we're having troubles with the printing of the book.  Now, I feel bad about this because it comes down to the lettering which is the problem (I was the one who lettered it).  So now Dennis and I are getting a pitch together to present to various comic book publishers.  Wish us luck.

I'd previously mentioned two different projects with two friends of mine.  Well one of which is on hold at the moment.  In the meantime, notes will be taken on the project.

Now, the OTHER of the secret projects, my friend/cowriter and I are doing quite well with it.  It kinda picked up pace quicker than what we imagined.  Anytime we talk and brainstorm about it, it goes further; which is great, not a whole lot of us beating our heads against the walls.  We don't have an idea of when our completion date will be, we're just wanting it to be perfect.  Since we live quite a good ways apart from each other we do everything via email and phone.  We weren't sure how it was going to work at first but it's actually been working out just fine.  Emailing with notes back and forth like a conversation and some notes change and some get expanded on.  We're VERY excited about it.

I have more short stories that will end up on here.  Most of which are some kind of horror.  After writing two horror anthologies and various horror and just dark short stories, I'm very excited to be going into a science fiction phase.  There's something important to me that I'm chasing in science fiction and now is my start of that chase.  It's something I can't really put my finger on or verbalize but I hope within the storylines I've been kicking around that I'll find what I'm looking for.  I'm very excited about such future ideas I'll be getting to quickly after doing Last Rites of the Capacitance. 

I'll be recrafting a couple more of my screenplays soon and will hopefully get something sold.  Fingers crossed.

Gun Control for Polar Bears is still available.  I doubt it will go into a second printing unless there's some radical turnaround.  Poetry isn't as desired as it used to be.  But, if you own a copy, it might end up becoming a special item some day.

Alright, I'm done.  Gotta get back to work.  Just wanted to catch you guys up.

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